
Four important phases when the men go off the track

What is a married woman the most afraid of? Surely it is a man off the track, betrayal of the marriage and love. Simple sex fantasy may also be tolerated, but when they are really moved by a woman, damage for his wife is not less than the degree of physical betrayal. No matter the men off the track for any reason, he will experience the following four stages, the marriage of women must look carefully and wives in ordinary life should be very attentive.
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First phase: with a heart cowardly
Although sleep beside the wife, but emerge in the heart is another woman's figure. Capricious betrayal is the lowest risk way, though women are unhappy, but couldn't catch to write anything. Most have the heart but dare not betrayal are in the process of spirit betrayal.
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Second phase: net love
Network provides a good platform to cheat for man, which together with different age and kinds of men and women. The net love is also a kind of spiritual betrayal, man and women attempt to betrayal in spirit, in the temptation of writing and imagination naturally will get a feeling of love. If your husband is very good every day to the Internet at home, perhaps he is quietly online and other women talk about love!
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Third phase: one night sex
The first and second stages are spiritual cheat, but one night stand is the both body and spirit! When the network relationship come to virtual reality, most will develop into a one night stand. Although one night stand has nothing to do with “love” but overstep the limit, any woman cannot accept emotional infidelity.
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Fourth phase: looking for lover
Looking for lover is complete betrayal for marriage and love, both physical and spiritual cheat. It has high risk, but still there are many men enjoy it. Once a man was found off the track he still tried to disguise, told his wife lover can't replace her. Indeed, lover's charm is that she is a lover. But, the lover undoubtedly takes damage to a perfect marriage. Reconstruction for love is extremely difficult.
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Have learned about four phases when men are likely to cheat, wives in ordinary life should be very attentive. If you don't want your man off the track, please give a little more care to him.

