
Change sexual intercourse: 6 tips to make your sex feel damn good

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Introduction: although we can’t do like AV before, there are many sex skills, but our love can’t like water, sex is not necessarily make a permanent missionary position, sometimes, a change of sex skills can make your sex feel damn good.
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Look for neglected opportunity to sex
After the marriage, have children, more time occupied by work, children, places of public entertainment, very sensible however, the husband and wife together of the time is little, this is not to say that sex is the reduced, no, even if is such, a husband and wife should make full use of the appropriate time and any time not to go to bed sex.
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Improve stroke skills
Several years after marriage, we will be used to a person’s existence and let feelings solid, no matter how many years of marriage, and touch feel cannot change, we should all affectionate leisurely doing so, although like left hand touch right hand with feeling uncomfortable sense, actually, we can appropriate improve sex stroke skills, in order to eliminate the objective obstacles, it is life enjoyment.
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Learn to say what you want
Most of the man in the bed would show to mortify friar, although they try to use sincerity to please his wife, but it does not mean they feel really so great, so, say what you want in proper time, for instance, let your wife to take care of one of your position, as long as reasonable, everything can communicate with each other. Woman is the same.
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Development sex space
If the bed is the only place lovers make love, then you will naturally be miss home other more interesting sex place, it is difficult to realize natural difficult love to each other’s fun, so, develop sex space is bold a little.
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Don’t let fleeting time
We always be disturbed by some something outside, even make love, in the interference when attention is being spread out, naturally you can’t from muster the energy. So, better play sex, as long as the sexual passion was tantalized it cannot pass and immediately you can take the action! What if the outside world began to interference?
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Know how to think up sexual fantasy
One part of erotic pleasure comes from physiology, and another part of the brain from our perfect fantasy, so, besides the given suggestion above, special requirements or share a good sex fantasy can also improve sex skills!

