
Rosesbloted my eyes on Valentine’s Day – beauty game online for girls

Rosesbloted my eyes on Valentine’s Day – beauty game online for girls
Here you can read much more games on Valentine’s Day. 
I am 36 years old who has divorced and live with my daughter .I share my stories to you because I want you to get some real truth about romance .Roses are beautiful and stand for love ,but in wrong hands ,they will lure young girls to go on bed with men .If we want to find a good doctor ,we should find someone who has suffered illness too much ,if we want to get good advice on marriage ,we should find someone who has suffered divorce ,so I think ,my stories will give you some reasonable points . With valentine coming there are many beauty games online for girls.
Here you can read much more games on Valentine’s Day.
I was born in a poor village in 1977 where and when people lived by working in the fields to get food and money to support their family .My father never had chance to go to school because my grandfather was a landlord before New China was built in 1949 .When I went to primary school ,my family had four children ,that is to say ,I had two younger sisters and a youngest brother .my family was very poor then ,so my father had to go out to work in a brick factory to get money for the four children .I was clever and beautiful .my father was proud of me ,my teachers loved me very much, I was always getting high marks in school ,so my father determined me to study for college ,in his heart ,he believed that knowledge can change my family’s fate .I spared no pains to study with full attention ,in my school life, I never enjoyed romance and rejected any temptation from boys and think that beauty games online for girls never belong to me. I thought it was my duty to study hard for my family, I shouldn’t do anything wrong to let them down including falling in love with boys .
Here you can read much more games on Valentine’s Day.
In 2000 years ,i graduated from a famous university with excellent grades ,i found a job in a big company working as clerk in a strange city .I got respected by my boss because i was diligent and was able to help him do many things .One day ,my boss invited tax bureau’s people to dinner and arranged for me to accompany him .At dinner ,a young man who looked handsome and kind had dinner with us .The tax bureau’s leader introduced him to us and praised him too much ,saying he used to be a briliantsoilder and now worked with him in the same department and adding that he was so diligent in life and got a master degree by studying in his spare time .He was modest and polite ,which was attractive to me .My boss let me sit beside him because we are young and intellectual ,we could communicate easily but I never connect with that beauty games online for girls.
After the dinner ,he often went to my company ,my boss was very polite to him and always asked me to treat him and talk with him .We were familiar with each other and he began to date me out .My boss promoted me to be a department manager .We enjoyed good times together ,He was so romantic sunny and passionate in my eyes ,he looks like a group of fire .One day, he invited me to his family ,his parents were both polite and hospitable to me .His house was big and well- decorated and i knew he had his own private car but everything is far away from beauty games online for girls.
Here you can read much more games on Valentine’s Day.
One rainy afternoon in winter ,he came to my office with a big bunch of roses and invited me to dinner with him in the evening .After work he drive me to a five-star hotel .We enjoyed delicious food with expensive wine over soft music ,he told me he was so excited to celebrate valentine’s day together .It was the first time I had celebrated the day ,(Of course ,it was the last time we celebrated the day too ,after marriage ,he never took me to this kind of place .) I felt very happy, because he told me I was the most beautiful girl in the world and he would love me faithfully all his life because he fell in love me deeply at first sight .He urged me to drink with him. gradully, I felt drunk ,and he took me to a room and kissed me to get on the bed .everything play like beauty games online for girls and me just addicted it.

The following things also play like beauty games online for girls but for it’s a tragic Several months later ,we got married because I was pregrant .I changed my job in a bank because his father was a high official in the city .We had a daughter after marriage ,but he and his mother was unhappy with me because they desired for a boy .We communicated less than before .I began to know he was naughty when he was in middle school and spoiled too much by his mother ,he seldom study hard and his grades were always low .After leaving school ,his father sent him to join the army .Three years later ,he left army and gained a good job in government because of his father .He had a master degree from Party school by cheating in the exam .He liked being invited out to get together with his comorades as well as friends .drinking and gambling .When drunk back home ,he would lost his temper to me ,scolding me or sometimes beating me .
Here you can read much more games on Valentine’s Day.
One evening ,on valentine’s day I walked on the street with my daughter I saw him take a beautiful girl hand in hand enter the same hotel where we celebrated valentine’s day together years ago . At last, I can’t stand him anymore, so we were divorced .Now i find myslelf and work as a lawyer .These are my stories .Maybe it is valuable for young girls, but I should say thanks to him because he brought me a smart daughter and should say thanks to his father because my sisters and brother got good jobs because of his father’s influences. what I’m tell young girls is don’t illusion these valentine’s day promises sometimes they are some as beauty games online for girls never truth.

